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The Goh Show

The Goh Show is the flagship show of Andy Goh and GohJo Studios.

Jun 8, 2020

If you've been watching Queen City Nerve's tireless coverage of the Black Lives Matter protests here in Charlotte, you've seen a lot of memorable moments unfold in front of your eyes. One moment in particular stood out to many.

Thursday night, after a stand off with police, Justin LaFrancois,(QC Nerve Publisher and live streaming journalist) had a long conversation with a gentleman named DeMarco Blair. Blair, who had been out marching all week, told Justin that he never had a white friend, and that the protests helped him discover a new part of the community that appreciated him. 

Later, a woman named Shelley appeared on the live stream and embraced DeMarco, giving him funds and making instant friends on the spot. This moment has certainly been one of the brightest moments of the protest thus far.

On today's episode of The Goh Show, I sit down with the three of them for a conversation about the events of that evening, how our environment shapes race, and what we can do moving forward.

Follow DeMarco Blair on Instagram at @blairfamilystrong_89.