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The Goh Show

The Goh Show is the flagship show of Andy Goh and GohJo Studios.

Aug 14, 2020

Money is not a simple or comfortable subject to talk about. In fact, even those of us best positioned to talk about money have a hard time discussing it with those we are closest with. If left unchecked, money problems can rip whole families and businesses apart.

Bernadette Joy didn't let that happen to her when she accumulated $72K in grad school debt in 2016. She and her husband AJ got on a plan, stuck to it relentlessly, and paid off the debt less than two years later. Today, they own their house and a rental property outright, and live completely debt free.

In today's episode of The Goh Show, I talk to Bernadette about why the debt free life is what she preaches, how she used a podcast to tell her story, and what's next for her as an entrepreneur.

Find more from Bernadette at