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The Goh Show

The Goh Show is the flagship show of Andy Goh and GohJo Studios.

Jun 12, 2020

In today's episode of The Goh Show, I'm turning the spotlight onto the clients of GohJo Studios and the work they've been doing to have real and meaningful conversations around COVID-19, Black Lives Matter and more.

Tune in to hear from:

- The Biscuit CLT Podcast (Charlotte Is Creative)

- Means of Grace (WNCC UMC)


Jun 8, 2020

If you've been watching Queen City Nerve's tireless coverage of the Black Lives Matter protests here in Charlotte, you've seen a lot of memorable moments unfold in front of your eyes. One moment in particular stood out to many.

Thursday night, after a stand off with police, Justin LaFrancois,(QC Nerve Publisher and live...

Jun 6, 2020

After seven straight days of protests, the emotions that have been running high since the deaths of George Floyd, Brianna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery are as powerful as ever. I took time to join the protests over the past week to show my support, as well as document what I saw and heard.

In today's episode of The Goh Show,...