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The Goh Show

The Goh Show is the flagship show of Andy Goh and GohJo Studios.

Jul 31, 2020

Many of you here in the Charlotte area are probably familiar with Colleen Odegaard, a longtime TV personality with WCNC, and co-host of Charlotte Today. I got to meet Colleen in 2017 on the set at WCNC, and a few years later she approached my about creating a podcast. Fast forward to today, and Colleen's podcast, Wake Up To Your Life, is several episodes deep and already gaining a strong following.

On today's episode of the Goh Show, I talk to Colleen about Wake Up To Your Life, her career in TV, her background growing up in an Asian household in San Jose, and even something about her that I only found out recently that I was kind of surprised by.

Subscribe to the Wake Up To Your Life podcast wherever you get your podcasts.